ISO 9001
"Quality Management System" - the standard, which is already several decades in the civilized world is the accepted norm stability of quality, and the best proof that the company strictly observes and complies with the requirements defined by international independent organizations, in this case, the International Organization for Standardization. This certificate will serve as the main criterion for users when choosing the organization and guarantee the quality of services.
ISO 14001
Our company meets the requirements of this standard of environmental management aimed at minimizing the impact of manufacturing processes on the environment. The environmental management system evaluates existing and potential environmental damage of the enterprise, develops technologies of improving the production process that allow us to prevent environmental damage.
OHSAS 18001
This certificate of OSH management system provides our employees guarantees of the safety of the production process, enabling to improve the quality of the work of the enterprise a lot.
EN ISO 3834
“Requirements to quality for welding of metallic materials” is the standard that monitors compliance with the technical requirements for welded structures during their production and further exploitation. The certificate provides for the control of preparation to the manufacturing process, the direct management of it and of the mechanisms correcting the process. Control takes place in all the production stages: from the commercial offer, immediate development of the future design and its manufacturing to conducting tests confirming the reliability of the design.
EN 1090-1
Harmonized standard “Requirements to the conformity assessment of the elements of the design” gives the right to the European quality standard. CE marking is obligatory for the exit of goods to the European market segment and opens the way for the free movement of goods in 27 countries. This label indicates that the product complies with the European requirements for safety, health and environmental protection.